If you want to take your family on an adventurous vacation away from the skyscraper hotels and discover the essence of an indigenous community, the Cook Islands is the perfect place.

There are 15 islands that make up the Cook Islands. Rarotonga is the capital and the main island that people visit for holidays, and there are many different types of family-friendly accommodations such as cottages, boutique hotels, B&Bs, and apartments.

A family of divers

If your kids are a little older and have a sense of nature adventure, then the Cook Islands are the perfect place for diving. Some of the best places to go diving in Rarotonga are Arorangi, Aroa Beach, Muri, Avatiu, and Kavera.

Every dive trip is different and can be chosen based on your family’s experience level, from snorkeling to the ocean depths. There are many tour companies offering these services so finding the right one for you and your family will not be a problem.

Family adventures in the Cook Islands

One of the great reasons to go to the Cook Islands is to explore. There are many adventures your family can have around the island of Rarotonga, including guided hikes in the mountains either on foot or by bike, horseback riding, paintball, island walks, and local dance lessons.

Many families enjoy taking at least one day to get around the entire island whether that be on foot or by boat. Boat tours tend to be a lot faster than walking, and if you’re lucky, you might even spot some whales on this adventure.

Sight seeing in Rarotonga

The Cook Islands is one of the best places for sightseeing on vacation. Your family will be able to learn about a whole new culture by experiencing it firsthand. Your family can view the art of the islands and even meet the artists to talk about their work.

There are guided cultural tours that will teach your family about the costume-making customs, songs, myths, sculpture and dance of the islands.

You can also take long walking tours that will show you around the natural settings that the Cook Islanders have lived their lives with. You might even get a unique chance to see the endangered Rarotongan flycatcher.